Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008


Health, energy, intelligence and emotional stability are all governed by chemicals, drugs and toxin within the body. This pollution doesn’t go away. Research has shown that drugs and chemicals stay in the body long after they are consumed causing fatigue, illness and reduced mental energy.

Today I am going to give you very simple yet very useful tips on Cleansing Diet.

A glass of hot water with squeezed of lemon juice.

Low sugar fruit, e.g. one grapefruit with outer skin removed, eaten whole.
Fresh banana, apple.

A glass of water.

Steamed vegetables.
Grains, e.g. brown rice and possibly legume or tofu (grains soften the cleansing effect a bit; adding legume or tofu does so even more).

Fresh vegetable juice.

Salad with steamed vegetables.

There is no substitute for greens in our diet. Fruits diets are very cleansing but can be too drastic for an overly toxic person. If boils and eruption should happen during the fruit fasts (especially citrus) remember to add greens right away.

Eat foods that are lighter and easier to digest before heavier foods. Respect the food chain: water, juice, fruits, sprouts, vegetables, seeds, nuts, grains.

These above chart is a general chart. So before starting you should consult your physician or dietitian.
These treatment are best advised and supervised by Ayurvedic physicians.

Senin, 27 Oktober 2008


Kalimera ! is good morning in Greece. A magic word that bring smile and greeting in return.


All my friends - Kalimera and now get ready to cook a healthy exotic Greek salad I bring only for you to make your morning more good.

Iceberg Lettuce: 120gm
Chopped Onion: 60gms
Black Olive: 1tbsp
Chopped capsicum: 1tbsp
Cherry Tomato : 100gms
Chopped Cucumber: 100gms
Feta cheese: 1tbsp
Olive Oil: 1tbsp
Lemon juice: 4tbsp
Salt: according to taste.

Take a big bowl and take the entire ingredient except lettuce, salt ,lemon juice and olive oil mix them well. Now break the lettuce leaves into pieces and add it to the salad. Now add salt, lemon juice and olive oil ,to give more punch you can add some oregano in it.
Toss all the ingredient well, serve in a big long dish. Now you are ready to say kalimera to yourself and your loved ones.

Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008


Beet root -2 large cups grated
Carrot -1/2 cup grated
Cabbage- 1 cup finely chopped
Spinach- 1 cup finely chopped
Potato- 1 cup finely grated
Tomato- 1 cup finely chopped
Onion- 1 finely chopped
Ginger-1” finely chopped
Lemon juice-5 tbsp
Black pepper-1 tbsp
Salt – according to taste.
Boil all the vegetable with 4 cups of water. Then add
salt and sugar .Add onion paste and ginger now boil for another 10 min .When the vegetables are well cooked remove it from flame and mash them
Now on another pan give 25 gms of butter add 1 tbsp of flour stir it and then add soup in it.
Sprinkle black pepper while serving.

Senin, 20 Oktober 2008


Before I tell you about Celina you can pamper your sweet tooth a little bit. Today’s recipe is sweet yoghurt mousse.


Sweet yoghurt 200gms
Whole cream 120ml
Gelatin 4/5tbsp
Crushed cookies 4no
Banana 1no
Butterscotch sauce 4tbsp


Fold sweet yoghurt with whole cream thoroughly and then add gelatin dissolved in water.
Take a round, stainless steeel, 3’’diameter both side open cylindrical container, put crushed cookies on the base and pour in the yoghurt mixture on the top of the cookies and refrigerate.

Cut small chunks of banana and mix with the caramelized sauce and place on the top of de-molded sweet yoghurt mousse. Sprinkle butterscotch sauce encircling the mousse.

Now let me tell you what happened that evening when someone knock Celina’s door and she thought it was room service and ask to come in. But she was very surprised to here
“Thank you so much I heard that you will be leaving tomorrow so I thought meeting you .”
-“My pleasure.”

- “So you remember my voice Patrick. If you have finished what you have to say, you may leave now.”
- “Don’t be so rude I am sorry for everything. Can’t we be good friend once again.”
After a long hot debate Patrick finally convinced Celina and now they are not only good friends again but their old romance crop up and rest you put all your sweet imagination while you cherish my sweet yoghurt mousse.

But listening to this story I keep thinking of the recipe of successful marriage given by Mignon McLaughlin- “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times always with the same person.”

What do you think ? Don’t forget to give your views I am waiting to here from you.

Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2008


I was in my cousin sister Celina’s house in my recent short vacation of four days. She is a good looking crazy girl who love to dance, sing and cook delicious food .She is not only my sister but one of my best friend since child hood we spent the most craziest and funniest moment together .After 2yrs we are together again as she was out for her research work . So you can imagine that how much fun we share these four days, it seems that we returned to our childhood days.

But the happening news is that a total feminist who literally turn her back from guys after her divorce with her high school sweetheart 5 yrs back, fall in love again and that is also when she is in the mystic land of Malaysia.
You may be thinking that why I am so amazed that Celina fall in love in Malaysia it is because this is the land where she have her last fight

with Patrick and they finally break up. I know how long it takes her to came out from that depression of lost love and join colors of life. So I am really very happy to know that she finally found someone to share her life with.

But I am very interested to know how it all happened then she told that she was staying in a beautiful hotel near sea side

and that evening all of her colleges were busy taking some specimens of sea water for their study suddenly they saw a man fainted in the water.

They rush for his rescue and admitted him to the nearest hospital. He was suffering from high fever and the entire team of doctor told that it will be hard for him to survive. For 10days it was a severe struggle between life and death and finally life won the battle and that man survive. But doctors told it is not there effort that brings life to this man but some ones prayer work miracle for this man. Surprisingly the man was living in the same hotel where Celina is staying. After the man returned from hospital all her colleges met that good-looking handsome decent software professional except Celina. It was there last day in that hotel Celina was standing in the balcony and then some one knock the door, Celina thought it may be the room service and ask to come in.
What happened then? I will tell you in my coming post.
While we are busy talking Celina cooked a delicious steamed fish for me I will share that with you.


Cucumber 150gms
Coconut paste 100gms
Mustard paste 25gms
Scampi prawn 500gms
Green chilly paste 10gms (you can add more or
less according to your taste)
Mustard oil 75gms
Banana leaves 2 -3nos
Salt according to taste
Sugar according to taste
Turmeric powder 1gms
Yoghurt 15gms


Deseed the cucumber and cut into matchsticks. Clean and wash the prawn well. Apply salt and turmeric powder to the prawn and keep aside.
In a mixing bowl , combine the rest ingredients except the banana leaves. Now add the prawn in it and mix with alight hand .Refrigerate for 45 minutes. Divide the prepared mixture into 4 equal portion . Now cut the banana leaves in to 4square pieces and put the mixture in between now fold the banana leaves like a envelop and now steam the envelop for 8minutes and then pan grill for 6min.Serve hot .


Jumat, 10 Oktober 2008


Today I am dedicating this post to my dear little cute Uncle Sam. He is presently enjoying 75yrs of age and living 200kms from our house. The place where he stays is a nice picture perfect peaceful village and his farm house is one of my best holiday spot. He was doctor by profession but now he is very happy with his organic cultivation and spiritual healing. This weekend when I was in his farm house and told that I started writing BLOGS he was very excited and appreciate me for my good jobs. He then share an age old secret with me for good life which I want to share with you.

Cook happily when ever you cook because a happy cook can bring joy and happiness to everyone in the family. I use to see my mother whenever she is cutting vegetables, cooking, kneading flour always use to hum sweet romantic songs and for me she is the best cook and the food she cook are the best I ever eat and this is the response of all the guest whoever tasted the food she prepared. I don’t know from where she get this secret of preparing food or is it a spontaneous action but Uncle Sam told me that food prepared by a calm and happy cook in pleasant environment has a positive influence .

He also told me that before you cook take a good deep slow breath and center yourself and now wash your hand put your beautiful appron and start happy positive cooking. You can put in your kitchen an under cabinet CD player with Fm radio and play your favorite music you can find a good one from Amazon in the Happy and Healthy shopping scrolling down in this page.

Chop and prepare all vegetables and have all your ingredient ready before cooking. Food is best when warm and well cooked .Over cooked ,undercooked or burnt food is not good.

Cook in a peaceful way. Try not to make any violent movement with spoon when stirring the pot. Be patient while cooking try not to hurry because it bring negative vibration in your cooking. More love and patience you add in your cooking make not only delicious food but a memorable food which your near and dear ones will remember for many years to come.

Utensils are part of the body .Choose them carefully their size and shape should be appropriate. Their should be a poetry in every dish for every food ,flavors and taste are God blessing to us ,ennobling our everyday act ,or there is no poetry at all ,just cooked with sad face and bitter heart. So don’t forget to place a smile in your face while cooking – sound strange! Give it a try and see the difference.

Warmongers are the symbols of the hunger of people who have been ill-fed….struggling all their lives for more and more and were never satisfied by simple rice bowl and vegetables .

Their parents were bad cooks and now they face the similar circumstances with their spouses and themselves . It is an urgent need that we should find out the more and more recipes that are not only healthy but cooked and served with lots of love and peace. In this way may be we can gift a peaceful world to our kids after all like charity peace also begin from home .
Water based cooking gives a lightness and delicacy of flavor that is most appealing. Steam food are best it retain the pure flavors of the food and the food value is retained. The result is that you get the most balanced diet and your family is more healthier , stronger ,happier and diseases are far from your family.

When you are serving food always keep in mind that however tasty food may be but the presentation should be beautiful because before tasting the real food we first taste the food with our eyes so make sure about an eye catching presentation. Serve in small quantities, more variety, appearance, aroma, taste and texture so the food served is not only good for body but for soul. In cool winter light some aromatic candles to give some warmth in the surrounding while in summer nights light up some blue soul soothing lights. I mean to say make the surrounding of the place where the food served in such care and attention that it gives a peaceful and loving atmosphere.


Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2008


I told you in my last post that in my next post I will tell you what happened to Dona and Daniel’s after we left them that night. In the next morning we all are anxious to here from Dona what happened but when Dona came and when we asked she just start laughing like crazy and we were all amazed to see that why she was behaving like this. Then she told that they talked for half an hour and when things are staring pink every where and they were floating in the seventh heaven

suddenly Dona’s mother who was in another city appeared in the scene with there family dog Timbaktoo. But the funniest part of it was that Timbaktoo stuck his head on a hard box and cannot make it out

and Daniel spent the whole night with Timbaktoo and finally released the poor dog and pleased Dona’s mother who was very choosy about Dona’s boy friend. Anyway a night which Daniel planned to spent with Dona have to spent with Timbaktoo .But this caring nature boy moved Dona’s heart and finally after 5 long years of love and magic they decided to get married and now they are happily married and living in Sydney.

Today I will share with you a special pea’s soup which we all cherish in Dona’s reception party.

Peas- 1 large cup paste
Cheese-3 cubes grated
Onion- 1 tsp paste
Garlic -1 flake finely chopped
Butter- 50 gms
Flour -2 tbsp
Milk - 1 large cup.
Sugar-1 tsp

Heat the butter and add flour in it .Stir it well. Now add onion , garlic and peas paste keep stirring.
Now add cup of boiling milk keep on stirring. Now add 2 cups of boiling water salt, sugar and pepper. Let it boil for 2min and add cheese and boil for another 1 min. Your pea’s soup is ready to serve.