Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

Crispy Egg Sandwich

Eggs as we all know contain very high quality protein and nine very essential amino acids. Other than this recently I came across few very important health benefits of eggs. Previously it was believed that eggs have a very negative impact on cholesterol and affect on the lipid profile but recent study shows that moderate consumption means one or two eggs per day does not affect person’s lipid profile and in many case improve it. Eggs are the only food that contains natural Vitamin D. Eggs are also a good source of sulphur and many vitamins and minerals which give healthy hair and nails. Eggs are also very good for eyes. So today I am using healthy egg to make a very delicious crispy egg sandwich. I give a twist to the regular sandwich recipe and that makes this crispy egg sandwich special. I am sure you all will love it.

Had Boiled  Egg   2
Cucumber 10 very thin slice
Tomato 4 thin slice
Onion 4 thin slice
Grated Cheese 2 tbsp
Mayonnaise 1tbsp
Tomato sauce 1tbsp
Paprika powder ¼ tsp
Finely chopped mint leaves 1 tsp
Rusk Biscuits 4
Salt to taste
Procedure  Take a small bowl and mix mayonnaise with tomato sauce. Cut the hard boiled into halves or quarter as you want to have it. Now evenly spread the previously prepared mayonnaise on the rusk biscuits,then place one after another the cucumber slice, onion slice and tomato slice and then put the egg on top sprinkle, cheese, salt, paprika powder and finely chopped mint leaves. Munch immediately. Let me know how you like this crispy egg sandwich.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.

Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012

Cold Tofu Salad

Cold tofu salad is perfect healthy nutritious salad during summer. I once had it in my friend place and love it so much that I created my own version and it came out delicious. I am sure you will love this inspired version of Japanese tofu salad. The great part of this recipe is that it needs no cooking yet you get a delicious flavorful calcium rich dish.

Silken tofu cube   8 to 10
Soya sauce 2 tbsp
Worcestershire sauce 1tsp
Ginger juice few drops
Garlic juice 1tsp
Sesame oil 1tsp (optional)
Duck egg 1 ( hardboiled egg yolk)
Green onion chopped 3 tbsp
Fresh cilantro chopped 1tsp
Toasted sesame seed ½ tsp


In a small bowl mix soya sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and garlic and ginger juice and sesame oil. Mix well. Now arrange the tofu cubes. Scoop the egg yolk and place on it. Then sprinkle green onion and cilantro and then pour the sauce mix above it. Sprinkle toasted sesame seed and your delicious cold tofu salad is done. I am sure you will love this quick, fresh, light cold tofu salad especially in hot summer after work dinning.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.

Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

Pepper Pasta with Black Grapes

Father and daughter always share a special bond. For a father her little girl is like a princess. Whoever she grows up to be, she is always to him that little girl in pigtails. Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad ……so true. I lost my Dad when I just crossed my teens and reach my youth but still can feel the vibes of his love and the warmth of his protection. I always thank God for blessing me with such lovely Dad who doesn't  tell me how to live but his life  become an inspiration, strength and support for me. Today I am sharing a recipe which I would love my Dad to have if he is with me today. I am sure you will love this pepper pasta with black grapes and can surely please your Dad.


Fusilli pasta 1 bowl
Red green and yellow pepper ½ cup cubed
Onion 1 cut into large chunks
Garlic 2 to 3 chopped
Mushroom 2 chopped
Sweet paprika sauce 1tsp (optional)
Tomato ketchup 1tbsp
Chicken stock ½ cup
Mixed Italian herb mix ½ tsp (oregano, basil and thyme)
Olive oil 1tbsp
Grated cheese 2 tbsp
Black grapes 8 to 10 ( halved)
Salt and pepper to taste


Cook the pasta as per package instruction. Now heat oil and add the chopped garlic. Sauté for few seconds then add the cubed pepper, onion and mushroom. Sauté for 1 to 2 minutes. Then add the paprika sauce and tomato ketchup. Mix well then add the chicken stock. Add salt and pepper, let it come to boil then add the pasta and the Italian mixed herb. Mix well. You if don’t have any calorie problem you can ½ tsp of butter. Mix well. Put off the flame. Then add the grated cheese and halved juicy grapes. Serve hot. Delicious colorful pasta with yummy juicy sweet grapes is a feast for eyes and a festive treat. Hope you will like pepper pasta with black grapes.

                            Happy Father's Day !

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.

Senin, 11 Juni 2012

Mango Vanilla Treat

Today I am sharing a cool mango vanilla treat which was in my birthday menu this year(5th June) and all loved it so much so I thought why not share with you all my blog sphere friends and readers. You always have seen that vanilla ice cream is paired with sweet ripe mangoes but in this recipe I use unripe raw mango and few spices with vanilla icecream. It taste awesome….. sweet tart creamy and heavenly delicious!

Unripe mango/ green mango  1 ( boiled and pulp is taken)
Mint leaves 6 to 8
Roasted cumin powder ¼ tsp
Black salt to taste
Black Pepper to taste
Salt to taste
Sugar 2 tbsp
Water ½ cup
Vanilla ice cream 1 dullops each serving
Garnish with cherry

In your blender take the pulp of raw mango, salt ,pepper, sugar, roasted cumin powder, black salt. Give a good blend then add ½ cup of water and make the mixture little thin. You can add few drops of food grade green color to make the color more vibrant. Now take your serving glass make a base of spicy mango mixture then on it give big scoop of vanilla ice cream. Garnish with a red cherry. Now enjoy sweet salty soury creamy chilled mango vanilla treat. I am sure you will love this new paring of mango vanilla treat.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.

Minggu, 03 Juni 2012

Pepper Prawn

In my last post I told that the temperature in my town is raising and it raise to 42 degree. The moisture is high too and it is the most awful situation when you have to cook in front of the open flame. My house is not centrally air conditioned which I am trying to do may be by next two months but till then I have to bear the heat in my kitchen. In such time I play some clever tricks just try out something that need less than 10 minutes. Pepper prawn is one such delicious side dish which can be prepared quickly and you can relish with your favorite bread rolls. I am sure you will love the succulent taste of pepper prawn.

Prawns       10 to 12
Onion 1 thickly chopped
Olive oil / butter 1tsp
Freshly chopped mint leaves 1 tsp
Pomegranate seed 1tbsp
Lime juice 1 tsp
Freshly crushed pepper to taste
Salt to taste


Heat olive oil or butter whatever you are using . Then add the clean deveined prawns. Toss for few second. Now add the chopped onion. Toss and cook for a minutes so that the onion get soft and transparent. Now add pomegranate seeds, salt and freshly crushed black pepper. Toss again. Now put off the flame and add finely chopped mint leaves and lime juice. I love to have it with my garlic bread but you can have it with any bread of your choice. By the way I will be celebrating my birthday on the 5th so come back to know my birthday recipe.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.